How to apply

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Your learning adventure starts here…

Our admissions process is very straightforward. There are a number of entry points to St Neot’s, as well as occasional entry to a year group subject to availability. As a non-selective school, places are offered on a first-come basis and we recommend early registration to avoid disappointment.

  • Entry points

    We have four main entry points into the School: St Neot’s Nursery (2+), Reception (rising 5 years), Year 3 (rising 8 years) & Year 7 (rising 11) but children are welcome to join at any point provided there is space in the appropriate class. There are three intakes into school – in September, January and April.


    Nursery (Tiny Tuskers & Tuskers) Children join us from the September after their 2nd birthday. Our nursery children are with us for a minimum of 4 sessions aged 2 and 5 sessions aged 3 in Tiny Tuskers. When they move up to Tuskers a minimum of 6 sessions a week is required. There is automatic entry from our nursery to Reception.

  • Visit

    Prospective parents are invited to discover the school in action at one of our Open Events. You will have the chance to meet our Headmaster, Mr Slot & the Senior Leadership Team, and be shown the school by our Year 8 pupils. There will also be an opportunity to speak with current parents at the school.


    If you are unable to make one of the open events or would like a personal visit – be that a first or follow up – please contact Admissions.


    Admissions: Priya Patel

    Telephone: 0118 973 2118


      Visit us  
  • Taster sessions
    Following your initial visit to the school. we will invite your child to attend either a taster session or a full taster day, depending upon their age. Children will spend their time within their appropriate age group and experience a ‘typical’ morning or day at St Neot’s. Full details of the taster day, including timings and any necessities to bring, will be confirmed with you via email beforehand.
  • Register

    Following your visit, and if you feel that St Neot’s is the right school for your child, the next stage in the admissions process is to complete our Registration Form. This can be done by creating an account, going to ‘Registrations’ – ‘New Registration’ and filling out ‘St Neot’s Registration Form’ & paying the £150 non refundable Registration fee.


    For a place in our Nursery, we recommend that you register your child by the age of 12 months and for entry into Reception by the age of 3. Children entering into Year 3 & 7 in the Prep School should aim to be registered with us by the beginning of Year 2 & Year 6 respectively.


  • Confirmation
    Places are offered in order of registration and subject to either a satisfactory taster or reference from your child’s previous school. Our Admissions Team will contact you to complete an Acceptance Form. In order to secure the place, a deposit of £300 (£600 for nursery) will be payable. This deposit is held on account and returned at the end of your child’s final term. For nursery £300 is returned at the end of Year 2 and the other £300 is returned at the end of the child’s final term.    
  • Before starting

    In the Summer Term (usually the last week of June) we will invite your child to attend our ‘Move Up’ Morning which is where the whole school experiences a morning in their next academic year. It will be a chance for your child to meet the children in their form and their new teachers.


    Children joining in Tuskers & Reception will also have a transition morning in late May/early June


    Children joining Tiny Tuskers will be invited to individual settling sessions prior to their start date.