School Hours
School opens for the normal school day at 8:00am and pupils are in their classrooms by 8:20am. School finishes at 15:45pm (Pre-Prep), 4pm (Middle) and 4.30pm (Main) when pupils are either collected by their parents or attend and After School Club and/or Creche.
Early Morning Club is available from 7:30am for Year 3 upwards which is bookable on an adhoc basis. After School Care is available from end of school to 6pm (4pm on Fridays).
Meals & Snacks
Pupils receive a hot meal, cooked on site every day by our chefs, which included in school fees. This includes meat and vegetarian options, a salad bar, homemade soup. fruit and dessert.
Pupils attending creche will be provided with sandwiches.
Healthy homemade snacks are provided at breaktime.
What are your class sizes?
Classes vary depending on the year group. In Pre-Prep we have on average 12-15 in a class and Middle & Main School the capacity is 20 per form.
How much involvement do parents have?
We pride ourselves on our ‘open door’ policy as we wish to work collaboratively with parents in the best interests of the children. As well as parent’s evenings, parents are able to pop in and chat to the form tutor at the start or end of the day.
Parents are invited into school for special events and class assemblies. These are listed on the termly school calendar.
There is also a busy social calendar which is organised by Friends of St Neots (FSNS).
Is there a catchment area?
We do not have a specific catchment. Most children live within a 20 minute drive of the school in areas such as Wokingham, Fleet, Basingstoke, Arborfield Green, Hook, and Odiham.
Can I book a visit outside of an Open Morning?
Yes, bespoke tours with the Headmaster are available. Please contact the Admissions Office to book.
Admissions: Priya Patel
Telephone: 0118 973 2118
Email: admissions@stneotsprep.co.uk
School opens for the normal school day at 8:00am and pupils are in their classrooms by 8:20am. School finishes at 15:45pm (Pre-Prep), 4pm (Middle) and 4.30pm (Main) when pupils are either collected by their parents or attend and After School Club and/or Creche.
Early Morning Club is available from 7:30am for Year 3 upwards which is bookable on an adhoc basis. After School Care is available from end of school to 6pm (4pm on Fridays).
Pupils receive a hot meal, cooked on site every day by our chefs, which included in school fees. This includes meat and vegetarian options, a salad bar, homemade soup. fruit and dessert.
Pupils attending creche will be provided with sandwiches.
Healthy homemade snacks are provided at breaktime.
Classes vary depending on the year group. In Pre-Prep we have on average 12-15 in a class and Middle & Main School the capacity is 20 per form.
We pride ourselves on our ‘open door’ policy as we wish to work collaboratively with parents in the best interests of the children. As well as parent’s evenings, parents are able to pop in and chat to the form tutor at the start or end of the day.
Parents are invited into school for special events and class assemblies. These are listed on the termly school calendar.
There is also a busy social calendar which is organised by Friends of St Neots (FSNS).
We do not have a specific catchment. Most children live within a 20 minute drive of the school in areas such as Wokingham, Fleet, Basingstoke, Arborfield Green, Hook, and Odiham.
Yes, bespoke tours with the Headmaster are available. Please contact the Admissions Office to book.
Admissions: Priya Patel
Telephone: 0118 973 2118
Email: admissions@stneotsprep.co.uk